Original Article

대한불안의학회지 (18권2호 65-71)

The Mediating Effects of Positive Resources in the Association Between Social Anxiety Symptoms and Adverse Childhood Experiences in Young Adults

젊은 성인에서 사회불안 증상과 아동기 외상 경험 간의 관련성에서 긍정자원의 매개효과

Young-Eun Jung, MD, PhD1 , Su-Kyong Oh, MPH2 , You-Ra Jeong3 , and Moon-Doo Kim, MD, PhD1

1 Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju, 2 Department of Health Science, Graduate School of Public Health and Welfare, Jeju National University, Jeju, 3 School of Medicine, Jeju National Universitiy, Jeju, Korea


Objectives : This study was to examine the impact of adverse childhood experiences on social anxiety symptoms in young adults and verify the mediating effects of positive resources.

Methods : Data from 1,317 young adults aged to 18 to 29 years who took part in the university-based crosssectional survey were analyzed. All participants completed Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) scale, Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD), and Positive Resources Test (POREST).

Results : In young adults, 9.3% had severe social anxiety symptoms. Based on 10 ACE categories, 32.7% of participants reported one or more adverse childhood experience, and 4.5% reported four or more different forms of adverse childhood experiences. Young adults with higher social anxiety symptoms were likely to report more adverse childhood experiences, and less positive resources. Multivariate regression analysis indicated that positive resources moderated the association between adverse childhood experiences and social anxiety symptoms.

Conclusions : Based on the results, professionals need to consider early detection of adverse childhood experiences and comorbid social anxiety symptoms. In addition, various positive psychological interventions for individuals with adverse childhood experiences are needed. (Anxiety and Mood 2022;18(2):65-71)


Social anxiety symptoms; Adverse childhood experience; Positive resources; Young adults